නම: Se*** | වයස: 23

I had an affaif with a boy for close tp six years, we were about to marry, we had sexual invlovement, but finally he started changing alot and he stopped the affair. M not a virgin, but my parents are seeking a proposal, i cant reveal the real situation to them. Is there a way i can regain my virginity back? Or any other solution? I dont want to ruin my whole life because of 1 mistake i did. Please give me an answer.


This can be corrected with a minor operation called Hymen reconstruction. However due to ethical issues this operation is not widely performed. Contact your gynaecologistst and inquire about the availability.

Answered by

Dr. Chaminda Mathota

MBBS (Colombo), MD Obstetrics & Gynaecology (Colombo), MRCOG (UK), DRCOG (UK), DOWH RCPI (Ireland), MRCPI (Ireland), Fellowship in laparoscopy, Fellowship in IVF & Assisted Reproductive Technologies (India), Dip in Advanced Gynae Endoscopy (Germany)